Did you know, you can save all your chats in Yahoo Messenger ?
Yes its true!
You can save all your chats which you do using your Yahoo Messenger! Just a simple step and you dont even have to take care everytime to save your chat, Yahoo Messenger automatically saves each session of your chat with each person!
- When you Login to your Yahoo! account using Yahoo! Messenger, Go To Messenger Menu and click on Preferences or simply press Ctrl + Shift + P .
- In the left pane click on Archives, now in the right pane 3 option as shown below:
- You Are Done!
Select "Yes Save all My Messages", click on Apply and then OK!
Note: In case you are about to uninstall Yahoo! Messenger. Before uninstalling Go to:
C:\Program Files\Yahoo!\Messenger\Profiles\your_id\Archive\MessagesCopy all the folders and save it to some location for taking the backup of all the chats you have done. When you reinstall Yahoo Messenger simply copy all the folders to same location.
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